Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 figure paycheck... really?

they have been talking about 5 figure payhecks. they will photocopy the paycheque, laminate it and show to agents/downlines/potential recruitment.

as you may realise, most of their 5 figure paychecks are during the stage of car incentive. how come? allow me to explain.

scenario 1,

aq is going for car incentive. the quota is $90,000 cash sales. after force sell to his relatives/friends/downlines' relatives/friends, aq still facing $50,000 quota in the last stage. let with no other choice, he 'borrowed' $50,000 from parents/friends to become car achiever.

assumming his sales commission is 30%, then 30% of $50,000 will be $15,000. his pay cheque will be 5 figure.. impressive? haha.

when people asked, do you think aq will tell people that he borrowed $50,000 to become a car achiever? or will he tell others that he fought geniune sales? you know the answer.

scenario 2,

vin is aq upline. if aq committed $50,000 on his last stage, vin will get overriding commission.

assuming the total override commission is 20%, then 20% of $50,000 will be $10,000. wow, another 5 figure pay cheque!

when people asked, do you think vin will tell people that aq borrowed $50,000 to become car achiever and thats how he got his $10,000? or will he tell others that he trained a car achiever, thats why he has $10,000? haha. you know the answer pretty well.


as you can see by now, they need large sales turnover for 5 figure paycheque. these sales turnover come from where?

1) use own money to buy up the sales.
2) ask downline to buy up the sales.

PS: recently, some premier pure agents said we are not credible. why are we not credible and their managers are credible? because their managers said so. lol !!

our insider stories are backed up by thousands of former agents, managers and leaders. our insider stories are leaked to us from existing people in premier pure.

remember, the managers make money from you. we dont make money from you.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some interesting teachings from senior 'leaders'

here are some interesting teachings from some of the senior 'leaders'. it reflects lot on their characters. check it out!

"check out how much money in his bank account." - steven h_

(thats right! time to convince the agent to buy up the position! definitely very familiar with most PP agents! lOL!!)

"benefit mindset can be used as technique to force agents to go for parent/relative sales appointment!" - jasxxxx eee

(do you want your parents to be healthy? are you filial to your parents? blah blah blah. thats right, the perfect technique to motivate you to go parents sales appt!)

"do you know why i don't have to serve national servce (NS)? because i'm good in acting crazy!" - dewe_ H_

(thats why he dont have to serve NS. if you are not happy with his guy, you can report him to the authority anytime.)

"he is useless to me now. should just freeze his account!" - jessxx ta_

(freeze her downline accounts so that she can tap more commissions from her 'down-downlines'.)

"commit! commit! commit!" - dewe_ H_

(comit to fight for the sales quota. if still cant achieve, commit own money to buy the balace sales quota. now you know why most managers are stuck with lots of products in their house now.)

"bulletproof the agents, otherwise you will lose him" - snr 'leaders'

(what is bulletproof? if PP is virus, then bulletproof the agent is to prevent the agent from getting anti-virus help. here is a classic example. "if your parents and friends disagree with you working in PP, dont be upset with them. they may share alot of negative stuffs to you because they are worried about you being cheated. you must do well to prove them you are right! prove to them you have grown up!"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How they maintain the car ? really worth it ?

we believe most people will want to know because these 'achievers' will never never let you know. here comes the wikileak of premier pure!

step 1. file a SELF-EMPLOYED income tax of $40-60K annual income. oh wait.. they dont earn that much of money.. is that lying? YES! but IRAS wont check on them, so who cares?

step 2. use the income tax 'proof' to apply for loans for the luxury car. not necessary must be bank loans because some car dealers offer in-house financing. it means the car dealers also double up as money lender. so, its very very easy to buy a luxury car.

step 3. every month tried very hard to get car fund and sales commission. if that month commission enough to cover, then lucky. if that month commission not enough to cover... then use 'credit cards' or bank overdraft. if not enough credits or overdraft, then use (misuse) the sales money. if sales money not enough, then borrow from boss or family.

step 4. car finally towed away because no payment for more than 2 months. time to find excuses... etc "i sold the car away because i'm changing a new one!" , "i sent my car away for repair!" , "my family need to use it!" blah blah blah..

if everyone think like these 'achievers' and used 70-100% of their monthly income to maintain the car, we will be seeing millions of BMWs and MERCs on the road! for info, singapore median income is somewhere around $2600 monthly.

how much do these 'achievers' really earn? well, we can tell you the range. $1K to $30K annually. deduct away the car expenses, they are either broke or in heavy debts. how much money can these acheiver really save? dont be surprise if we tell you some of these achievers has less than $5k savings after 10 years in MLM.


Achievers using family car to brag !

Recently, a guy by the name Vince_t Teo 'bought' a BMW, brag online and other place. Since he like so much attention, we shall do a wikileak on this guy.

Q1. How did he achieve his car incentive?

Ans: oh well... he didn't really achieve it himself. He bought it with the help of his father's money. He also got help from his downlines families' monies. He promised them an investment scheme (scam), got their monies and bought the required PV quote to become 'achiever'. oh wait, he only meet half of the required quote because he used 'part payment' method. so, he is a half-price achiever.

Q2. What happen to all these downlines and their families?

Ans: well, they left him because they knew they were cheated. most of them are malay families and some even cough up $30-50k... thats probably many many years of their hard earn savings! Some tried to get back the money from him, even came to the office to look for him. vincent simply avoid them, disappearing act.

Q3. Did he buy a BMW?

Ans: NO. probably you will be surprise by the answer. let me tell you the truth. the car is bought by his family. they trade in their family car 'camry' for the BMW. vincent dont have to pay for the car, his family did.

Q4. Why buy a BMW?

Ans: buy bragging rights. he can go around telling his 'success' to his friends, potential recruits and downlines. some will believe his stories and join him. but they will not know the truth behind the bmw, unless they read this blog.

Q5. Are there other 'achievers' using family car to brag?

Ans: yes, most of them! example Jess, Jas and etc etc etc