Saturday, July 4, 2009

Buy up positions and sales!

What is sales buy up in VE? It means that you fork out your own money to buy the products so that you can reach a position faster.

Its a terrible practice in VE and alot of people are being cheated. How do they get your money? Today, we will exposed their way of doing in simple step by step explaination.

1. They will make you belive that VE is a good opportunity and you will succeed in VE.

2. They will motivate you that become a SE, you can start to do recruitment. Become a ME, you can collect your ME badge at some prestige event. Become a MM, you can get more recognition, wear a blazer that make yourself look good and attend managers training (crap training to be honest).

3. They will make you envy those distributors who achieved their position. How to make you envy them? By making those promoted distributors look like heroes! Let those promoted distributors make some speech on the stage and then received good applause or recognition from the sales leaders.

4. Once they sensed that you are very motivated and wanted to achieve the position, they will encourage you to go for sales appointment or sales buy up if you have the money.

5. They will explain that sales buy up means to stock up products now and sell later. They will convince you with lies that you will able to sell the products later. Get promotion first because the deadline for promotion is near! or.. special promotion for products is ending soon! or.. there is a reduced LV for certain position is ending soon! please buy time and pay CASH NOW !

6. Once you believed that its worthwhile to buy time and pay cash now, you either fork out money from your bank or they will convince you to borrow money from your parents or relatives. They may even talk to your parents directly and convince them to buy up for you.

7. Once you submit the money to the company and 'achieved' your position, they will use you as a successful example to CONVINCE more people to buy up like you. Remember STEP 3? congrats.. you had followed the earlier batch of people being convinced to buy up sales.

8. By now, they will encourage you to recruit more friends to join you. They will say doing recruitment and sales concurrently will be faster. Sound logical? yup but what happen to all the stocks you bought? the stocks are stucked at home and nobody is helping you to sell them away. Do you know how to sell them away? maybe not

9. You will either pretend didnt see those products stuck at home or you will be busily doing recruitment until you forgotten those products. Or maybe you will be busy with alot of activities that they planned for you, example crap trainings and brainwashing groupings.

10. When you finally realise that after forking out so much money to buy up and those products are stuck at home.. you may take some time to clear those products (which is highly unlikely because you are selling to your relatives and friends!). You may quit the company, cursed at the people who bluffed you to buy up.. and regret not believing our advice. Or you may not quit but stay in the company because you have some downlines with you... and you felt responsible to stay with them despite the unhappy experience you went through. Worse, you may become like those selfish and evil leaders... you will encourage your downlines to sales buy up.. just like you!

Remember, if someone buys up but unable to sell.. they lose money! if someone buys up products that has little demand in the market.. they lose money too!

1 comment:

  1. blame yourself for getting "brainwash"
    if you really think it is a good opportunity, you buy.
    If you think that it is not the right time to commit, you wait.
    If you think is bullshit, walk away.

    You know why even if they really don't earn that much like what you say, they still stay on and not you?
    Because they know how to do business, not you.
    You don't close down a business just because you lose money a couple of years.

    You should read DUMMIES for BUSINESS or something...

    They stayed on also because they have a vision for the company, they are determined to do well. Appreciate their persistence.

    When you want to advertise, you advertise the good not the bad.
    All advertisements are like that.

    Same goes here, they share the good stuff.
    Nth surprising...

    No need to create a blog post to say this.
